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RSS Taqwacore

Reward Points:668
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7 most recent arguments.
Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

OK. I was a little bit suspicious that that might be the case.

Please speak to your treating physician about having a medication review, keep far away from any drugs (esp. amphetamines), and please pay attention to your sleep cycles. There's a lot of research now highlighting the importance of maintaining a routine sleep cycle in reducing relapses.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

I have done nothing wrong on this debate.

I haven't accused you of doing anything wrong in this debate.

I am the victim, not anyone else.

Can you show me some evidence of you being the victim? Bear in mind that a lot of people might be inclined to express anger toward you because you do have a habit of being verbally and emotionally abusive toward other people.

> I have the right to choose what happens on MY debates.

Yes; but the way that you manage that means that they aren't really debates. Debates, by their very definition, encourage opposing points of view. What you're doing is actively discouraging opposing points of view, therefore it's no longer a debate.

Let me ask you something, why do you want to use a debating website? Do you want to take part in debate or simply change how everyone thinks about an issue?

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

It does take two to tango. But what I'm saying is that maybe you don't always recognize it when people respect you. That I or someone else might disagree with you or have an opinion that is different to your doesn't mean that we don't respect you. In fact, I would go so far as to say that I feel comfortable expressing difference BECAUSE I respect you. If I thought that you were emotionally weak or too immature to deal with people disagreeing with you, I'd probably just pretend to agree with you all the time or ignore you. But, as it stands, I believe that you're a big grown-up girl, that you're capable of being emotionally strong, and that you can deal with disagreements without resorting to immature rants and abusing people. That's respect right there.

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

I don't recall you having made any efforts to apologize for your abusive comments. However, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as Andy was nice enough to remove your offensive comments and it's entirely possible that any apology was removed with them.

Let's end this? Yes, I'm up for that. But I would ask of you two things:

1. Please refrain from making abusive remarks about me and other users of CreateDebate. Just as you have a basic human right to be respected and psychologically safe, so does everyone else.

2. Please respect peoples rights of free speech. You don't have to agree with everything (or anything) people say or think. But please allow them their right to have thoughts and opinions which might be different to your own. You should really only be banning people when they become abusive toward you. If they have an opinion which is contrary to yours, debate them. Look for the flaws in their logic and in their arguments and highlight them. Show them why you believe your argument/position is the superior position. But banning them or abusing them for their differing opinion contributes nothing to the debate.

1 point

"I am a liberal so I support freedom for everyone."

1. Please stop calling yourself a "liberal". You are giving us liberals a bad name through your misappropriation of that term. A true liberal allows for individual rights.

2. Please stop lying about supporting freedom for everyone. You don't support freedom for everyone at all. If you honestly supported freedom for everyone then you would also be supportive of freedom of speech, something which you very obviously do not support given that you have historically banned everyone with an opinion that differs to your opinions.

I disagree with everyone who opposes gay rights. But I'm not going to abuse them or refuse them their right to disagree with me. To do so is an act of right-wing fascism.

2 points

No. The actors would need to sign a legitimate legal marriage certificate/contract and the actor acting as the priest/rabbi/celebrant would have to be a real licensed celebrant.

5 points

So innocent and sweet. I don't know how she manages to keep that up when she's hanging around people like us. Good for her! And she's cute.

Taqwacore has not yet created any debates.

About Me

"Born in Australia. Former Buddhist monk. Retired psychiatrist. Migrated to Malaysia. Love durian!"

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Other
Country: Malaysia
Education: Masters

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