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RSS Kozlov

Reward Points:1754
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

Is a prophet coming again anytime soon? It's been about 150 years since Baha'ullah.

1 point

1929 was caused by the Federal Reserve screwing around with monetary policy and then when the depression came along they still messed up the monetary policy

True true. That monetary policy was too much capitalism!

On 2008, again your are completely correct! Here's the thing, the reason they wanted people to have more loans, credit cards, mortgages et cetera is so spending would keep increasing. This growth is necessary for capitalism. Peoples' wages have been kept relatively stagnant since the 1970's, soo the capitalists gave credit to everyone so demand would stay high. See? Tis capitalism?

You do understand that for most of history a large amount of families lived on self sustaining farms and would only trade for luxuries?

Correct again, though you left something out. That land was, for the most part, owned by some feudal lord, or a bourgeois landowner. The surplus value is still taken away.

Capitalism is not exploitive

Capitalism is exploitive. People must sell themselves or they will live in on the street. There is a choice, per se, but looking at it from another perspective indicates that people must take the job or live on the street. That's not much of a choice is it?

Also, I'm sorry, but the idea of "my labor" doesn't really exist. Labor is usually exploited out of the worker.

1 point

You're correct. The economy of the world is an organic moving mass, but like anything else, there are a few rules. There is such a thing as supply and demand in the capitalistic economy. Capitalists must grow their business to make more profit, or they will go out of business. To do this they need more "stuff". The more stuff they use, the less there is, a and prices go up. Eventually a crisis forms. Look at the crash of 1929, this is what caused it. Look at 2008. Look at the minor recessions in the 70's and 80's, it all goes back to a seriously flawed system.

Don't you think humanity is better than capitalism? Humanity deserves something more than wasting resources on pointless things such as a new type of candy wrapper.

Furthermore, capitalism is exploitive. The more un-employment there is, the more the industrial reserve army grows. Capitalists make more money from the suffering of the least fortunate people. The exploitation goes even further because the average man must sell himself. Yes sell himself. Why? Because he has no other means to sustain himself. Sometimes he has a choice where to work, but it is still selling himself. He has no means of production.

1 point

It does prove mathematically. I provided the necessary formula.

On the second point, technology does cause the price of the means of production and labor to decrease. You're completely right on this. But the thing is, can technology keep up with demand? This is harder than It sounds because we are continually having crises.

I found this video which explains things much more in -depth.

U Mass video
1 point

Democratic Socialists is the best. Iron Fist Socialists is the coolest. Check out Altaslavia

2 points

Well, thanks for being nice. And maybe my economic views are pretty bad, but they're not as bad as capitalism. Capitalism has been mathematically proven to fail. The is because the overall goal of capitalists is to increase surplus value. There are a few ways they can do this: like increase hours and keeps the pay the same etc. However, they have lost the length of the work day battle, so they take advantage of a mathematical law. The people you employ, the more surplus value the capitalist can get. So they hire many people. This can be proven by using the formula (value+surplus value)/(number of workers)(hours worked). The result of this is intensity of labor. You'll notice that if you plug in numbers form a company, you'll get intensity of labor; however, if you just increase the number of workers, you'll notice the intensity of labor (surplus value) increases. In essence, businesses must grow to become more profitably. You would agree with this. But as businesses employ more people, they need to acquire more means of production. When more businesses do this, price of these things becomes higher and higher. The price of labor also gets higher (it's just supply and demand economics). When the price gets higher the capitalists cannot afford to expand and thus, grow. This primes the scene for a crisis.

1 point

She seems to be a very nice person.

Overall, a very beneficial user to have in the community.

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Biographical Information
Name: Matthew 
Gender: Chap
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Canada
Religion: Other
Education: In College
Websites: Political Stance

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