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RSS Zephyr20x6

Reward Points:2386
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4 most recent arguments.
zephyr20x6(2386) Clarified
1 point

Well the prefix Omni- means "all" and potent means "powerful", thus omnipotent is synonymous with "all-powerful". I don't think that any religion that has claimed omnipotence in their god, truly meant omnipotent, and it was merely more of an exaggeration than anything. I think the inventors of these god actually meant, most-powerful or very powerful. However omnipotence by definition, is logically incoherent. By it's own literal definition it leaves the realm of logic, it in and of itself makes no sense. For example, can god create a rock to large from god to carry?

2 points

If you were God you would have a better understanding of why things are happenning and would probably be following the same plan.

Based off the presumption that god exists so, this is also a presumption.

This particular topic highlights the quote from epicurus.

1. If god is omnipotent, god can prevent all the evil that cometh.

2. If god is omniscient, god can see all ways evil that cometh.

3. If god is omnibenevolent, god will prevent all evil that cometh.

4. Evil exists

The funny thing here is that the idea of omnipotence by definition should be capable of over-powering logic, thus whatever logical based reason for why the universe can't be better that may or may not possibly exist, is automatically invalidated.

Like I said, your argument implies the universe is the best it can be, which is a presumption because it is based on another presumption, that god is governing it.

2 points

He seems intelligent enough, we don't butt head all that much because I avoid politics and anything of the sort, and I suspect that is where he goes. If I am not mistaken he is canadian right? Or was that someone else? If so, lucky bastard, I want to visit Canada :P.

6 points

One of the most kindhearted debaters on CD, logical person as well, having both those traits are rare and I personally find it valuable. She truly is the peacekeeper of our site, if everyone was like her I think that world peace would be prelavent as well as having a good head on our shoulders.

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About Me

"I love to debate, its a way to learn, teach, and open the mind up."

Biographical Information
Name: hunter willis
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Postal Code: 85340
Religion: Atheist
Education: High School

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