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Rogue Rascal(9480) pic

If were God, what would you have done differently?

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1 point

I would not allow evil, gays could get married, and sex before marriage would be cool if contraception was involved.

1 point

I would probably slap some sense into everyone that thinks I favor certain humans over others, and the ones that don't follow my "rules" die and rot in hell.

1 point

Well for starters I would provide evidence for my existence. I would also create a world with far less suffering as well, seems to be far to much of that.

existed .

0 points

You're not God though. If you were God you would have a better understanding of why things are happenning and would probably be following the same plan. But since you're not, don't think about being God to hard cause you're not.

zephyr20x6(2386) Disputed Banned
2 points

If you were God you would have a better understanding of why things are happenning and would probably be following the same plan.

Based off the presumption that god exists so, this is also a presumption.

This particular topic highlights the quote from epicurus.

1. If god is omnipotent, god can prevent all the evil that cometh.

2. If god is omniscient, god can see all ways evil that cometh.

3. If god is omnibenevolent, god will prevent all evil that cometh.

4. Evil exists

The funny thing here is that the idea of omnipotence by definition should be capable of over-powering logic, thus whatever logical based reason for why the universe can't be better that may or may not possibly exist, is automatically invalidated.

Like I said, your argument implies the universe is the best it can be, which is a presumption because it is based on another presumption, that god is governing it.

trumpet_guy(503) Clarified Banned
1 point

Their is one point that is objective, what it means to be omnibenevolent.

trumpet_guy(503) Clarified Banned
1 point

My argument relies on the implication that free will exists. Now I don't have the patience for a free will. Debate and that's why this arguement is probably going to stop here. But if God is omni-benevolent, then free will should be allowed. The funny thing about being bound by time, is well, were bound by time. God (assuming he exists) isnt. But here's just a simple proposition. The Black Death or the Bubonic Plague was horrible. Very horribl. but in our stubnorness, do you think public health would have advanced the way it did without it?