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TTC The Troll Channel

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Sure, why not? No, what happens on TV stays..
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:9
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 Sure, why not? (3)
 No, what happens on TV stays.. (1)

Debate Creator

HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

If actors get married in a TV show, are they married in real life?

Assuming the guy who plays the minister is a real minister.

Sure, why not?

Side Score: 6

No, what happens on TV stays..

Side Score: 1
2 points

This is funny. I tried to google it, and can't figure out. I am saying I guess so because I don't see what the difference is between acting and pledging under God.

Side: Sure, why not?
2 points

No. The actors would need to sign a legitimate legal marriage certificate/contract and the actor acting as the priest/rabbi/celebrant would have to be a real licensed celebrant.

Side: Sure, why not?
1 point

NO NO NO NO . actors are not married if they get marrieed on tv. who shhots a marriage on tv and on a movie or a serial. its just an acting that they are getting married on tv . otherwise the marry someone else on tv and someone else in real life.

Side: Sure, why not?
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