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RSS Quocalimar

Reward Points:6470
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10 most recent arguments.

I was told that you are just mocking me.

Me? Neeeeever.

A: People haven't quite got the hang of it yet either

So no person is in heaven either? Got it.

More mockery

Noooooo, honestly truly!

Q: Why don't you just come down here and fix it, your omnipotence.

Because I am not trying to program you, you are not a robot. You put what you want in your bibles. Honor whoever you think should be honored.

You came, preached the good word, and told scribes to write it. Surely you could come, as a person of free will, and write a single bible yourself. It'd control no one, but it would be a honest word of God source for the heretics like me.

A: Your standards of proof are not as infallible as you imagine.

I don't know a person alive that can make another person out of dirt, so I have no reason to believe a person can, nor do I have reason to feel shameful for insulting those that believe that someone can.

A: You are more or less addicted. People can overcome even the most serious addictions with my help.

Then why make the addictions in the first place, when you already made the things we know not to touch feel painful?

Sinful things are not pleasant to do unless you have conditioned yourself to enjoy them. I have heard your prayer, and I will make your sin painful as requested.

Well that's good to know. The next time I pig out at a party I sure as hell hopes the wrath of gluttony feels as distasteful as fresh manure.

All in all this was an eye opening conversation to have with an alleged prophet of the lord. I enjoyed it.

Q: So animals go to hell?

A: You are not really curious about that

Indeed I am. If I do decide to repent, and pave my way to heaven so I can cherish the afterlife with my loved ones, I'd want my loved pets, to have a ticket as well.

Q:What is love?

A: caring about one anothers well being

Something pets, like goldfish, snakes, gerbils, and other smaller creatures can't do.

Q: I haven't seen anything.

A: You made a false statement there

You mean your son's face on the quesadilla? My bad I saw that.

Q: So basically he doesn't care.

A: You cannot choose good over evil without evil. I care what you choose, but I leave your choices up to you.

Well then this draws me back to another debate I saw. In Heaven, a place rumoured to be perfect, do we have free will? Because if we do, what's preventing Heaven from turning into another Earth full of evil and sin.

Q: Job is true tale, or is the bible full of lies?

A: Your bible contains many lies. Pray to me and I will help you clean it up.

Why don't you just come down here and fix it, your omnipotence.

Q: So your religion too is false, got it.

A: You shouldn't be so satisfied with your understanding because it is not free from falsehood. Your idiocy is not less dangerous than those you enjoy ridiculing.

if those I enjoy ridiculing are telling me things I can prove to be false, I'll relish in it.

Q: We are in control of our tastes? I think not. I never decided to like the taste of chocolate, I just do.

A: Change your mind about that

Just do? How am I supposed to just do? Addiction, something people often have with chocolate, is a very real problem people have that goes a step beyond what I have with chocolate. I can stop eating it, but people addicted to it, they can't.

C: I didn't choose to not like how fire feels, yet I don't and that's why I don't touch it.

A: Despite what you say, there are situations that you can put yourself in where you would be desperately longing to feel fire, and the mere sight of chocolate would turn your stomach.

Then why not make these situations where we long for fire's evil touch to not exist. Why not make these things that feel good, but are considered sins be disgusting to us as the norm?

C: I just know what I hear from the bible.

A: What you have said is a lie, but verily I say unto you that you should make improvements to this book that you have let shape your thoughts about me.

Yea I'll improve the book. I'll tear out all the things I disagree with and I'll add a few pages of things I don't people to do. Oh wait, that was already done.

C: Gay people are born that way.

A: Sexual attraction is cultivated like other tastes, and contrary to your misinformed opinion, newborns do not experience it.

Did you not shape the sciences that lead to the conclusions that assured humanity that sexuality is indeed a characteristic one is born with?

Q: If I'm an ungrateful prick, what does that say for my creator?

A: I am patient

I was addressing the "made in his image" issue, or was that another rumour?

C: So is this another rumour of the bible your scribes wrote? That we don't need to praise you.

A: You will serve me or an idol you create. What you need to do is choose. When you become dissatisfied with what the lesser gods have to offer I'll be waiting.

Now it's your turn to make a false statement. I serve nothing.

Q: Why don't you write the Bible yourself

A: I inspire people to write all the time, go pick out what to keep in your collection and stop complaining about the collections that other people find inspiring. If you do this I will make you a prophet and give you a sexy gay lover :)

So homosexuality is not a sin? Is this another one of the misinterpretations of the bible, what else can we be sure is not what the bible says it is? Do you even exist as it says you do?

Q:I mean you did come preach to the people personally through Jesus right? Oh no wait, another rumour?

A: Him and I had a good relationship, but he has been terribly misrepresented, just so you know. I will be happy to clear things up for you if you pray and fast.

Since reading the last set of answers I've been praying and guess what I heard. Nada? The rain outside my house, the fan in my room, and my own thoughts telling me what an idiot I am for asking my imaginary friend for some imaginary answers,, but I digress. Tell your overlord to send me some answers I'll pray a bit longer.

Q:What's the meaning of life?

A: To care for each other

So animals go to hell?

Q: Where are you (God)?

A: You can find me anywhere there is love

What is love?

Q: Why won't you talk to me?

A: Because you have ignored my voice. I speak now to you through your eyes

I haven't seen anything.

Q: How do you let evil exist?

A: By not taking all the control I could

So basically he doesn't care.

Q: Why do good people have to die to be rewarded?

A: That's a false rumor

Job is true tale, or is the bible full of lies?

Q:Why do other religions exist if yours is the only true one?

A: Your sciences and religions are neither entirely true or entirely false

So your religion too is false, got it.

Q: Why did you make it taste good but condemn eating for doing it?

A: You are in control of your tastes, and you condemn yourselves by craving harmful things. My offer of help stands for those who have gained wisdom to accept what I have to offer.

We are in control of our tastes? I think not. I never decided to like the taste of chocolate, I just do. I didn't choose to not like how fire feels, yet I don't and that's why I don't touch it.

Q: Why did you give us the ability but condemn us for using it?

A: You should stop thinking that I condemn people. You should pay attention to my voice instead of trusting rumors about me.

I just know what I hear from the bible.

Q:Why did you make me this way but will punish me for acting on it?

A: Your choices made you this way. I made you beautiful you ungrateful prick. As you know, I will leave you to your own devices if that's what you act like you want

Gay people are born that way. If I'm an ungrateful prick, what does that say for my creator?

Q:Why do I need to worship you?

A: You only need to do as you wish

So is this another rumour of the bible your scribes wrote? That we don't need to praise you.

Well my final question, unless more are brought up from your answering of these ones is:

Why don't you write the Bible yourself, I mean you did come preach to the people personally through Jesus right? Oh no wait, another rumour?

3 points

What's the meaning of life?

Where are you (God)?

Why won't you talk to me?

How do you let evil exist?

Why do good people have to die to be rewarded?

Why do other religions exist if yours is the only true one?

Why did you make it taste good but condemn eating for doing it?

Why did you give us the ability but condemn us for using it?

Why did you make me this way but will punish me for acting on it?

Why do I need to worship you?

That's how I'm feeling.

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
2 points

By burning out the amount of oxygen the fire has before it can grow any larger.

Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
2 points

Actually you kind of can. If you actually check the link, it's at around the 4th paragraph that they actually start getting into the real world fire fighting with fire details.

2 points


I'd suggest that if the person can't address you respectfully then don't deal with them. If you absolutely must, deal with the side that isn't completely disrespectful. People usually will stop fighting someone who is not fighting back.

2 points

This is funny. I tried to google it, and can't figure out. I am saying I guess so because I don't see what the difference is between acting and pledging under God.

Sacha said it, and borat said it. The actor had to say it while the character was just saying it.

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About Me

"Parkour is my favourite sport. I also draw a bit, but only what I see."

Biographical Information
Name: Quocalimar ...
Gender: Male
Age: 44
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Green Party
Country: United States
Postal Code: 21234
Religion: Agnostic
Education: Masters

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