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Punch Their Face in the Face Ignore Them
Debate Score:32
Total Votes:37
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 Punch Their Face in the Face (6)
 Ignore Them (11)

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TeenPassion(281) pic

Can Dish it Out but Can't take It Back

I hate those people wo want to come up to you and start bullshit, but then when you don't take their bullshit and say something back to defend yourself, they get all butthurt and play the victim. Or they get mad and act like they didn't deserve what was said to them.

Punch Their Face in the Face

Side Score: 10

Ignore Them

Side Score: 22
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2 points


I'd suggest that if the person can't address you respectfully then don't deal with them. If you absolutely must, deal with the side that isn't completely disrespectful. People usually will stop fighting someone who is not fighting back.

Side: Ignore Them
2 points

One cannot fight fire with fire. (Damn. Needs to be 50 characters)

Side: Ignore Them
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
2 points

Actually you kind of can. If you actually check the link, it's at around the 4th paragraph that they actually start getting into the real world fire fighting with fire details.

Side: Punch Their Face in the Face
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

I disagree. Sometimes you have to be aggressive. .

Side: Punch Their Face in the Face
SimplyKatie(11) Disputed
2 points

And you are totally in your right to disagree! But let me ask you, how does adding fire to a fire, put it out?

Side: Ignore Them
AoKMiKeY(31) Disputed
1 point

you seem to not understand that being aggressive automatically puts you on the lower hand.

Side: Ignore Them
SimplyKatie(11) Disputed
1 point

Perhaps being aggressive makes you feel better? Perhaps your cup is full and spills over? There is evidence of this on this message board and I have only been here for 2 hours!

I certainly don't have to be aggressive. On the very odd occasion I CHOOSE to be, but certainly don't HAVE to be.

Side: Ignore Them
1 point

Fight it with ice!

Side: Ignore Them

There are many hateful bigots in this world. They are insecure people who must demonize those trying to live good moral lives. They feel guilty about their own irresponsible life choices, so they must hate those they believe responsible for their guilt.

If you ignore them and ban them from your debates, they will go away or grow. These are their only choices.

The sad part is that so many people like to waste their time trying to get a pig to wear lipstick. It won't happen until these people have come to grips with their own irresponsible choices in life.

You can only help them after they stop their childish vulgar rants. Rewarding vulgar fools by giving them credence of possessing enough of an intellect to actually debate, makes us the fools!

Side: Ignore Them