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RSS Unownmew

Reward Points:160
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

"I will respect people who respect me"

That is a provably False statement.

I, as a new member, having had no previous affiliation with you, make a debate supporting a particular view. You, come and the very first thing you do is disparage my point of view, and call me disgusting, and akin to a rapist (not specifically, but it was most definitely implied)

I attempt to remain respectful to you, disagreeing with your comment and providing, what I considered to be fairly logical reasoning to refute your points.

You refuse to address my arguments, and attempt to shout me down with volumes of the same repeated message and insults, and insinuations in different words over and over, providing absolutely no evidence for your accusations save your own word only, and entirely ignoring my own, and even threatening to report me.

When I calmly state you are being detrimental to the debate and give you a chance to stop or be banned, you then start spamming the same message over and over.

The evidence is all there for anyone who wants to see. Clearly, you are the one who does not respect people first.

1 point

Fair enough, but if I support mine, you have damn well better support yours as well.


1 point

Prove your points. What do conservatives do that are fascist, ethnocentrist, anti-woman, and anti-nonchristians?

They're also not "anti-healthcare," they're "anti-government-funded and controlled healthcare"

1 point

Prove your points. What do conservatives do that are fascist, ethnocentrist, anti-woman, and anti-nonchristians?

They're also not "anti-healthcare," they're "anti-government-funded and controlled healthcare"

1 point

Democrat Liberalism, AKA Progressive-ism AKA central planning: "Freedom for everyone!"


oil companies, gun owners, gun businesses, Christian churches and organizations, airplane passengers, small business owners, proponents of child marriage, property owners, taxpayers, conservatives, alternate media spokespeople, parents, unborn fetuses, and the majority of private citizens.

-particularly despising

anyone who disagrees with liberal ideology

1 point

Don't bother with her, she has absolutely no concept of reality, everything she does, in her mind, is perfectly justified and justifiably perfect. There's no reasoning with people who refuse to think. They're only good for blowing off steam and watching them go around in a tizzy ignorantly displaying to the world their ignorance.

1 point

Nice to see someone standing up for Heterosexual rights. While I wouldn't go so far as to say it should be criminalized, I do think they should be required to identify themselves appropriately on all legal documents.

It is the body, not the mind that determines a gender.

1 point

What does minority vs majority have to do with being victim of discrimination? A minority can discriminate just as easily as a majority, the majority just has the ability to put more force of law behind their discrimination than a minority does.

Oh wait, I forgot, you're a Liberal, no minority can ever possibly harbor discriminatory feelings, or act on them, in your minds. By virtue of being a minority they MUST be entirely innocent and entirely persecuted by the majority. All minorities are victims simply because they are minorities. Well, all minorities except for the ones you dislike and discriminate against yourselves.

My mistake, continue on with your delusions.

Unownmew has not yet created any debates.

About Me

"I'm here to shake up the mindless societal consensus. And picking a fight with the establishment."

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Libertarian
Country: United States
Education: Some College

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