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RSS Spiritualman

Reward Points:289
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10 most recent arguments.

C: This man is a false prophet. Ignore him. .

A: Do not ignore the false prophet but scorn him and pray that your children do not fall for his lies. Thus saith the LORD of hosts.

I join you in your prayer that shame fall upon me. God has revealed to me that it is his will that shame fall upon me for being a false prophet. He said that whenever I was honest about what he said that I should not be given the slightest bit of credit.

The LORD rebukes me on a daily basis. Thank you for confirming what the lord keeps pointing out, and for your kind prayer. If you have any sway with him, please ask him to keep that Satan asshole out of my body!

C: Why are you not regulating mankind like you should. They're your children, do something!

A: It is not you who knows best what should be done. Tell me about forcing what you want from your children after you have your own.

C: You need to prove that you are a prophet

A: Verily I say unto you that this man is no more a prophet than you are, for those whom I give ears to hear, great liars are prophets.

Q: Why cant I accept my past?

A: Because comfort is too high of a priority for you. I have some suffering yet in store for you that you will thank me for later.

Q: Why cant I undo my mistakes?

Because you still lack the skills

Q: Why do you need me when I dont need you?

A: You are not the first spoiled child to ask me insincere poorly thought out questions

Q: Why do I have to serve you when your not worth it?

You cannot serve me unless you think it's worth it. You can do whatever you like and I won't intervene in your affairs uninvited.

C: I have Yeshua. I do not need you. .

Yeshua was snickering about that in the background and was like "oh yeah she told him" then God said in his scary voice "And don't you forget it you little worm"

You must have a close connection with them! Do you ever feel like it's hard to make out what he's saying?

C: Indeed I am. If I do decide to repent, and pave my way to heaven so I can cherish the afterlife with my loved ones, I'd want my loved pets, to have a ticket as well.

I was told that you are just mocking me.

C: Something pets, like goldfish, snakes, gerbils, and other smaller creatures can't do.

A: People haven't quite got the hang of it yet either

C:You mean your son's face on the quesadilla? My bad I saw that.

More mockery

Q: Well then this draws me back to another debate I saw. In Heaven, a place rumoured to be perfect, do we have free will? Because if we do, what's preventing Heaven from turning into another Earth full of evil and sin.

A: I do not force anyone to live by my principles, in fact you are free to be the architect of your own domain and see how that works out for you. Fashion your own set of principles to live by and cast yourself further into outer darkness if you like, but if you continually ask me to leave you alone, don't be surprised when I do for a long long time. If all you do is complain about your way not working, as opposed to seeking advice from me, don't worry, I am used to it, I am patient, and I care more than you can imagine.

Q: Why don't you just come down here and fix it, your omnipotence.

Because I am not trying to program you, you are not a robot. You put what you want in your bibles. Honor whoever you think should be honored.

C: if those I enjoy ridiculing are telling me things I can prove to be false, I'll relish in it.

A: Your standards of proof are not as infallible as you imagine. Your effort would be better spent trying to expose your own misunderstandings

Q: Just do? How am I supposed to just do? Addiction, something people often have with chocolate, is a very real problem people have that goes a step beyond what I have with chocolate. I can stop eating it, but people addicted to it, they can't.

A: You are more or less addicted. People can overcome even the most serious addictions with my help. With my help, you can develop a distaste for things that are harmful. Pray for help with these sort of things and I will help you.

Then why not make these situations where we long for fire's evil touch to not exist. Why not make these things that feel good, but are considered sins be disgusting to us as the norm?

A: You have been busy trying to erase the laws I have written on your inward parts. Sinful things are not pleasant to do unless you have conditioned yourself to enjoy them. I have heard your prayer, and I will make your sin painful as requested.

Yea I'll improve the book. I'll tear out all the things I disagree with and I'll add a few pages of things I don't people to do. Oh wait, that was already done.

A: You have only yourself to blame if your bible's contents are of poor quality, I have given you a rich library from which to select beautiful writings.

Q: Did you not shape the sciences that lead to the conclusions that assured humanity that sexuality is indeed a characteristic one is born with?

A: I was not being called upon regularly by those who formed these false conclusions. For the record, I did help you develop a method to disprove false conclusions, known as the scientific method, I suggest you use it, and not just claim to use it.

C: I was addressing the "made in his image" issue, or was that another rumour?

A: You were trying to discredit me, by discrediting some story which is quite the habit for you and many others. Don't let a poorly written story shape your thoughts so much.

C: Now it's your turn to make a false statement. I serve nothing.

A: I decline your proposal, appreciate your confession, and call attention to your self refuting statement.

Q: So homosexuality is not a sin?

A: Correct

Q: Is this another one of the misinterpretations of the bible, what else can we be sure is not what the bible says it is? Do you even exist as it says you do?

A: Your problem is that you are using someone elses bible

C: Since reading the last set of answers I've been praying and guess what I heard. Nada?

A: It's OK I don't need you to admit anything to anyone. I understand why you have the desire to deny that you hear my voice.

C: The rain outside my house, the fan in my room, and my own thoughts telling me what an idiot I am for asking my imaginary friend for some imaginary answers,, but I digress. Tell your overlord to send me some answers I'll pray a bit longer.

A: Fast from gay porn for a week and I will bitch slap your imaginary enemy.

Q: Is Rogue Rascal and Micmacmoc the same person?

A: Satan says they are sometimes, God won't answer....weird!

Q: Why are you banning people for doing what the debate says?

A: God has already chastised me about that but I just don't do well being made the subject of ridicule. I'm working on it. I can't seem to fully give myself over to God's will

About Me

"THE LORD sanctifies!"

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Religion: Christian-other

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