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RSS TheAshman

Reward Points:2298
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Maybe not everyone is as homophobic as you, Homosexuals are not sexual predators anymore than heterosexuals are and even if this law was passed how could it be enforced? If someone decides they are not going to tell anyone about their surgery there's nothing that can be done about it.

1 point

If you bothered to read my posts you would realise that I am pro the welfare of everyone, your the one who is deluded and trying to spread dissent and stir up hatred against homosexuals because you seem to think they are some kind of sexual predator!! You know nothing and keep trying to pass of your opinion as fact.

1 point

Knowing Homosexuals and having met and spoken toTransgender people I know I have stated facts and I know what life throws at people who are different to the accepted "norm", all you have stated are opinions and have not backed up any of your arguments with proof. Just because you believe something to be true does not make it so.

1 point

I dont need your help thankyou i'm quite happy being open minded and non judgemental towards my fellow humans regardless of their, sex, sexuality or whatever. I just think its a shame that here we are in the 21st century and people are still close minded and judgemental towards those who are different.

1 point

If you meen gender realignment surgery, you are a sad fucked up individual if you want to crminilize a surgery which has made a lot of people very happy and able to live fulfilled lives

1 point

I mean what I say, what you are saying are not facts, stop repeating your bullshit arguments, you are the deluded one come back when you have something new to say, until then I am done

1 point

If that is the case you need to stop arguing from a position of ignorance and find out about the differences between Homosexuals, Heterosexuals and Transgender people and please dont respond by repeating your previous arguments, go away educate yourself then if you have something new to bring, bring it

2 points

You call me delusional when you dont even know the differnce between Tansgender and Homosexual, repeating yourself will not help your argument, I used the Heart analogy as any surgery to put right a bodily defect is not mutilation. A Transgender person born with a Penis will see this as a defect wether people like you believe it or not, surgery to correct something is not mutilation.

You know what I meant about the Pink Triangle if you dont I suggest you read up on history, you might realise how bigoted you sound

2 points

Thanks for pointing out what a Homosexal is but funnily enough I already knew you obviously dont know that Transgender and Homosexual are not the same, someone can be Transgender without surgery, a lot of people are born and grow up knowing they are for want of a better phrase "in the wrong body", Gender Realignment surgery is simply fixing this accident of nature, making that person the sex they have always been on the inside. You obviousy have a problem with Transgender people, you call the surgery they undergo "Genital Mutilation", do you think that Heart surgery is Heart Mutilation?

Why stop at just making it a law that they have to tell people they have had Gender realignment surgery why not just make them wear a Pink Triangle on their clothes so everyone knows?

1 point

I assume from your debate description when you say Transexual and Genital Mutilation you are talkin about a sex change, if that is the case you do realise that when someone has a sex change say Male to Female they become a Female, normally they decide to do this because they have grown up thinking/knowing they are Female accidentally born as a Male so they undergo Gender realignment to put right an accident of nature.

My view is that for full honesty and openess in a relationship it is best for them to tell their partner they were born male and have undergone Gender Realignment but this is should not be a requirement by law and they are not Homosexuals who are trying to trick Heterosexuals.

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"Too weird to live too rare to die"

Biographical Information
Gender: Dude
Age: 54
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Other
Country: United Kingdom

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