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Reward Points:44
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Take notice everyone, I mean it's obviously transparent but since this one thinks they are fooling anyone but them self here is their exposure.

This one imposes ignorance towards the fact that what makes a person a heterosexual is that we have sex with those born with the opposite sex genital we were born with.

This one imposes ignorance towards the fact that what makes a homosexual a homosexual is that they have sex with those born with the same sex genital they were born with.

Instead this one desperately scrambles to make their delusions the issue

1 point

I don't have a problem with homosexuals having sex with homosexuals, no problem at all. I am "not" ok with homosexuals deceiving heterosexuals because we are not homosexual, we are not bi sexual which means also that we are not homosexual guinea pigs. And yes that this does make me very angry because heterosexuals deserve to be respected for our sexual orientation.

so please do feel free to explain how that makes me a homophobe?

If you think you're fooling anyone, it's obviously yourself.

1 point

I find it ridiculous that there are 25 points thus far for keeping heterosexuals as homosexual guinea pigs. That is sick.

1 point

Without so much as a shred of concern for the well being of heterosexuals you claim to be open minded. That is quite obvious.

I think it's a shame you're constantly attempting to make anything else the issue including your delusions because you are not able to contest fact and you are that selfish and ignorant.

If you are born with a penis and are attracted to others born with penises that is what makes you a homosexual whether you get your genital mutilated or not. If you are born with a vagina and are attracted to others born with a vagina you are a homosexual whether you get your genital mutilated or not. They refer to these types of homosexuals that get their genital surgically mutilated as transsexuals.

1 point

A homosexual male with a surgically mutilated penis doesn't qualify as a woman and a woman with a surgically mutilated vagina does not qualify as a man. Thence there is no such thing as a gender reassignment but here your are trying to for the illusion of this disgusting deception! What qualifies as a male gender of the human race is being born with a penis and what qualifies as a female member of the human race is being born with a vagina and that's a fact you ignore while you continuously attempt to make your delusions the issue all the while imposing ignorance towards this very fact like your brain is way to small to recognize something so simple all by yourself let alone with me here being kind enough to guide you.

1 point

Well as you so delusionally and vacantly claim yet again, if you mean what you say and you claim what I share are not facts then why are you not able to contest what I share with so much as a shred of validity?

1 point

Nice use of sarcasm ;)

1 point

You mean don't keep responding with facts you keep ignoring because you're not able to contest them so you can fool yourself to think your obvious delusions are what needs to be forced on the public ?

So much like homosexual activists to push ignorance towards fact while they try and force their lies and deceptions as the way it is.

I am educated well enough to know that homosexual activist lies and deceptions do not contest the fact that what makes a male a male is that he is born with a penis or what makes a female a female is that she is born with a vagina = fact you keep avoiding.

It is not a homosexual or homosexual activist delusional state of mind that determines ones sex.

Fact(44) Clarified
1 point

That would just open the flood gates to tax dollars being wasted on more heterosexuals being victimized. criminalization of genital mutilation is definitely what need be done.

1 point

If you are born with a penis and are attracted to others born with penises that is what makes you a homosexual whether you get your genital mutilated or not. If you are born with a vagina and are attracted to others born with a vagina you are a homosexual whether you get your genital mutilated or not. They refer to these types of homosexuals that get their genital surgically mutilated as transsexuals.

again you support this deception by pointing out these homosexuals who have a hard time accepting the fact of what they are despite their denyial of what they were born with. All you are doing is deliberately ignoring fact and impose deception.

what makes a heterosexual a haeterosexual is not that we have sex with a homosexual or a homosexual with a mutilated genital.

the difference between a homosexual with a mutilated genital and a homosexual with a non mutilated genital is that one had a hard time accepting themselves for what they are and got their genital mutilated.

Heterosexuals are not guinea pigs for homosexuals with mutilated genitals no matter how delusional or ignorant you prove to be.

how is heart surgery relevant to this discussion? Does it encourage a homosexual to deceive a heterosexual? No it does not, you are just desperately attempting to make your delusions the issue.

clothes can be changed and don;t act like they can't if you want to be taken serious!

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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