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Debate Info

The 'Mic' collection Prodigee & Co.
Debate Score:811
Total Votes:966
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 The 'Mic' collection (41)
 Prodigee & Co. (19)

Debate Creator

PresChaffy(172) pic

Which account troll do you prefer?

I've been watching from the sidelines for a bit, seeing this Prodigee guy at work and I have just witnessed him lashing out to his full extent.

Anyway, feeling a bit neglected, I've made this debate as a sort of survey to allow people to choose which troll they prefer, the label's I made up for the argument sides are ones which I've just thought of (I hope nobody minds), I have deliberately put 'Mic' in quotation marks because I'm am not actually the same person as that who created the Micmacmoc account.

Anyway I have no doubt that you'll all choose the right person for the best account troll on CD.

Your Unianimously Elected Leader,



It appears that the character(s) known as Prodigee has taken this (fairly harmless) debate in a more aggressive manner. A manner which implies that there is some sort of turf war going on in Create Debate.

To solve this issue I've made the following declaration as official President of CreateDebate.

Prodigee, this is my turf.


 If you want to do make this a competition then I firmly suggest you make another debate,

this one is merely a survey requiring opinions of the majority of members.

Your's sincerly,


The 'Mic' collection

Side Score: 325

Prodigee & Co.

Side Score: 486
16 points

I don't know who is in this 'Mic collection' but I'm voting this side.

Now all my fangirls vote with me!

Side: The 'Mic' collection
Hellno(17724) Disputed
11 points

Fangirls? You're a bitch! You ain't got no stinking fangirls! Psssst!

Side: Prodigee & Co.
15 points


Side: The 'Mic' collection
Hellno(17724) Disputed
8 points

Proof of what?

Side: Prodigee & Co.
Mors777(56) Disputed
4 points

It is proof that the 'Mic' collection is better.

Side: The 'Mic' collection
15 points

Just passing through...

Side: The 'Mic' collection
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Chaffy is loves being chaffed! DOWNVOTE

Side: Prodigee & Co.
15 points

I may not be an expert on this (actually I am, I have a PhD in Fraud Account and Identity Theft), but I personally find the style and range of the 'Mic' collection to be much more pleasing to the human mind.

Side: The 'Mic' collection
3 points

Okay... you are one of the funniest trolls... just sayin'.

Side: The 'Mic' collection
DrRSaunders(70) Clarified
3 points

May I ask how you came to the conclusion that I was a troll?

Side: The 'Mic' collection
14 points

seeing as Prod is part of Mic's collection.

Side: The 'Mic' collection
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
2 points

Cuaroc, you're not helping they already think you're mic, just sit back and enjoy the show.

Side: The 'Mic' collection
Sitara(11075) Disputed
7 points

Cuaroc is not dishonest like that. .

Side: Prodigee & Co.
13 points

looks like a puppet account party fun!

Side: The 'Mic' collection
1 point


Side: The 'Mic' collection
9 points

Mic ftw!

Side: The 'Mic' collection
8 points

who the hell cares theyre all a bunch of twisler dicks!!!!

Side: The 'Mic' collection

He was decent. At least he didn't tarnish CD reputation.----

Side: The 'Mic' collection
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
4 points

I suggest not getting involved. Someone may think you're one of them.

Side: The 'Mic' collection
6 points

I prefer Mic's brand of trolling personally... it's much more entertaining.

Side: The 'Mic' collection
5 points

Yet, they think I am also you, namely Hellno, so I think i gotta go with you, you rule bro. awesome havoc.

Side: The 'Mic' collection
5 points

Lol troll prodigee can't even see troll mic. Troll mic is so legend his name comes up everytime any troll exists.

Prodigee you're a pathetic excuse for a mic wanna be.

That's what you get for banning me.

Side: The 'Mic' collection
3 points

Up vote for that and it wasn't easy to find because the the character bomb!

Side: The 'Mic' collection
4 points

Prodigee is the biggest troll on the internet, he literally says that he promotes hypocrisy and that he doesn't give a fuck! Micmacmoc might be dumb but he is a fuck of a lot smarter than him!

Side: The 'Mic' collection
3 points

PRODIGEE cant even see mic when it comes to trolling, look at hsi appraoch, he's not trollin' he's just lame.

Mic is genuine!

Side: The 'Mic' collection
1 point

Bow the the US Calvary! AAAAAAMMMMEERICAA!

My Presidency of Create Debate shines on!

Side: The 'Mic' collection
Julius(201) Disputed
8 points

That is, 'till Stalin comes out of no where and takes over.


Side: Prodigee & Co.

Omg, why are you spamming this site with such a useless debate. Which account troll do you prefer? This site is degrading it's professionalism with such dumb debates. Now im a personal attention whore. This is how you are feeding them. This is what they want, the attention. Stop giving them attention. It makes you, the author of this debate, look like a fool.

So Stupid!


Right now, i regret putting the anger in this message. I was not calling the author stupid by the way. I just personally think this whole thing is stupid. I will be honest, i am mad that i myself do not have the attention. But on the other hand, i do think that this debate is foolish. But, if this is how you guys want to debate about, be my guest. :)

Side: The 'Mic' collection
1 point

I like the idea of a 'Mic' collection fan club-type thing, but for some ethereal reason I suspect that isn't the case here, what exactly does my collection comprise? I am fascinated to know haha

Side: The 'Mic' collection
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
2 points

What you don't remember the accounts you created?

Side: Prodigee & Co.
2 points

Well if you would like to be remind me then that would be fantastic! I am aware so far that I have been accused of the following:

1) EdudModnar (and I don't know why I would do this as RandomDude is seemingly a great guy)

2) Nummi2 (this guy has attended this site infrequently and has just been a bother to me; it makes no sense for me to create him)

3) Chaffy (same as Nummi but attends more frequently, and is apparently still here)

4) Mors777 (I wasn't even aware of his creation until I was accused of it, and I have nothing against Srom)

Cuaroc, did I miss any?

Side: Prodigee & Co.
1 point

Go away Chaffy cooooooooooooz y rrrrrrrr stoooooooopid

Side: The 'Mic' collection
23 points

I don't think you should be saying you prefer either. Prodigee strikes me as a person that is really struggled with an obsessional behaviours. I think we should support him this but not give to what he wants - attention and to be noticed.

Side: Prodigee & Co.
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
9 points

This is a troll war, observe but don't interfere or you'll be tagged.

Side: The 'Mic' collection
Sitara(11075) Disputed
2 points

Is that a threat? .

Side: The 'Mic' collection
Atrag(5666) Clarified
9 points

Haha it's so annoying when posts that get so many points have errors in it :/

Side: The 'Mic' collection
Atrag(5666) Disputed
2 points

Glad to see prodigee keeps upvoting this. I think he's finally realised what's in his best interest. Good for him.

Side: The 'Mic' collection
22 points

I maintain the same personality throughout.

Side: Prodigee & Co.
Atrag(5666) Disputed
4 points

Can you PM people yet? You really should consider my offer of help regarding your issues :)

Side: The 'Mic' collection
Hellno(17724) Disputed
4 points

Unfortunetly... that is true.

Side: The 'Mic' collection
PresTaft(43) Disputed
2 points

But you are not from AAAAMEERICAAA!

Be happy son!

It is good to do!

Side: The 'Mic' collection
14 points

I got to meet Prodigee and they all thought I was him so i gotta go with this guy over here, my buddy.

Side: Prodigee & Co.
10 points

I definitely have to go with Prodigee, mainly because I've talked to him, and he actually isn't as bad as he seems.

Side: Prodigee & Co.
9 points

Prodigee is the most memorable member so my devotion goes to him

Side: Prodigee & Co.
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

U my lady, r a fucking nutcase! LOL

Side: The 'Mic' collection

Prodigee is one of the few members of createdebate that i have ever seen as being willing to concede the debate when he believes he has been bested.

Side: Prodigee & Co.
Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

Are we talking about the same Prodigee?

Side: The 'Mic' collection
wardogninja(1790) Clarified
3 points

I was caught off guard too. It was in a debate about the monetary system vs the barter system

Side: The 'Mic' collection


Side: Prodigee & Co.