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TTC The Troll Channel

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Yup! Nope!
Debate Score:56
Total Votes:60
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 Yup! (15)
 Nope! (12)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Have You Ever Been Banned From a Debate on CD?



Side Score: 36


Side Score: 20
12 points

Yes, usually from people like christjesus or Enlightened1. People that can't handle other peoples' points of view.

Side: Yup!
2 points

just throwing it out there, i wish christjesus would just get banned, guy is a JACKASS

Side: Yup!
2 points

so true but he has never banned me. i wonder why??? really i wanna know but he was my first enemy

Side: Nope!
2 points

Just once for me but I think it was either a mistake or the debate creator is just f'ing with me... his kind have a strange sense of humour! JK LOL! ;)

Side: Yup!
4 points

For crying out loud even when I ban you from my debates you find some way to get back at me XD

But you managed to spell Humour right for once.

Side: Yup!

I haven't been banned from a specific debate YET, but I do expect to be the first person ever banned from the entire site LOL

Side: Yup!
1 point

LMAO! Well, if anyone can do it... it's you !

Side: Yup!
1 point

Yes I've been banned from a debate! - The Troller demanded proof and bans me at the same time!

The Stinker - I mean 'the thinker' banned me because of his/her Insane Troll Logic:

To the Troller:

As for your claim that I have no proof for my position, you’re shifting the burden of proof. Skepticism is dogmatism. It’s doubting something else because it doesn’t align with your personal truths.

Man Up & Un-ban me - this will prove that you are a debater and not a troller and I will annouce a public apology.

Supporting Evidence: Insane Troll Logic 25 Rules (
Side: Yup!

Will I finally meet mic In this community?

Side: Yup!
1 point

Ahhh... Mic, No. He won't be around much, at least not as himself.

Please visit Micmacmoc here:

Side: Yup!

Did he get I.P. banned after that day the spotlight series was made?

His last debate is apparently 173 days ago, and it's no more that a trolly clarification.

Side: Yup!
1 point

Yup I have been banned from a debate on CD and sometime I am like ugh why!

Side: Yup!
1 point

Well.... I'm banned from 95% of Prodigee's debates and he's my BFF!!! WTF?

Side: Yup!
1 point

Yeah, mainly by Randomdude though

Side: Yup!
3 points

I don't think I am on here long enough to be banned from any debates! plus who would ban little ole me?

Side: Nope!
1 point

Alright... I'll ban you from one of mine just for fun! hehehe !

Side: Nope!
3 points

Not yet, that I know of anyway .

Side: Nope!
2 points

Not yet(as far as I know) .

Side: Nope!
2 points

I haven't, and I don't want to be. I think when someone is banned it's a cowards way out of either listening to someone else's views or not being able to admit the other person is right or has a point. I find it ridiculous that you can even ban someone to begin with.

Side: Nope!
1 point

true but the reson they give you the option is because some people are @$$'$

Side: Nope!

No not yet because I been a good boy.

Side: Nope!