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That: This:
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:28
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 That: (14)
 This: (4)

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Hellno(17724) pic

What the Hell is Wrong With People?

Number ten in my Vague Debate Series

Well, it's been a wild ride (not really) but all good things must come to an end so many of you will be happy to know that this is the last Vague Debate.  We've seen a lot of nuttiness on CreateDebate over the past week so just what in the hell is wrong with people?

Feel free to browse other Vague Debates here:


And, while this may be the last of this series look forward to a new series coming soon.


Side Score: 20


Side Score: 8

I think the biggest problem with people is no one is willing to admitt they are wrong. Even if they are corrected in something, they dodge around the issue by rephrasing the origanal question.

Side: That:
1 point

Interesting assessment... I kind of agree with this... the problem is no one can agree with what is wrong and what is right.

Side: That:

I would be content if people were atleast listen to their opponents perspective. they don't have to agree with it, but they should atleast try to respect it. Most users on createdebate are good people willing to listen, but there are a few who are extremely frustrating.

Side: That:
1 point

The That is that there are some really crazy people out there! The crazy is that they are so passionate about others (good and bad) that they are willing to go to great lengths to make their point.

Side: That:
1 point

Many people take things too seriously... especially on the internet. Lighten up, none of this really matters.

Side: That:
1 point

What does matter?

Side: That:
1 point

Not the internet, that's for sure.

Side: That:
1 point

I was just reviewing this old debate and I must say... I still agree with myself.

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Side: That:
2 points

The This is that is craziness is killing me! I have had lots-o-spam to clean up! Oh boy...can't wait for the next round!

Side: This:
2 points

Well, you were on top of it today... I barely saw any of it.

Side: This:
3 points

Yes, thank you. I will continue to try to be diligent. Of course he had to start the day i was away from my computer most of the day!

Side: This:
1 point

The you can deal with this or you can deal with that. That's what I hate.

Side: This: