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Hey! Now that you mention it Everyone loves me
Debate Score:37
Total Votes:38
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 Hey! Now that you mention it (19)
 Everyone loves me (6)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Do You Ever Get the Feeling Certain People on CD Don't Like You?

Hey! Now that you mention it

Side Score: 26

Everyone loves me

Side Score: 11

Yeah, but hey, if you don't make a few enemies in life you're a coward.

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it
2 points

Or worse

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it
2 points

Yes they dislike me because of my beliefs and different values from them. I would say most people on here dislike me then like me on here. I only know a few people that like me.

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it
1 point

I think that Feelin'his'own'truth guy doesn't like me?

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it

that depends on your active and future role in society..............

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it
2 points

I offer nothing positive to society....

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it

With a site this big, with so many opinionated people(myself included), there is bound to be someone who strongly disagrees with me,

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it

Yes .

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it
1 point

I'm pretty sure there are some people here who don't like me.

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it
jonathangoh(1724) Clarified
1 point

True .

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it
1 point

Does that mean you don't like me or know someone who doesn't? :P

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it
1 point

Of course why else would we have an enemy column I know I hate some people on this site :P

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it

I guess so. Since we all have different beliefs and sometimes our arguments get a little heated up, this somehow tends to give a wrong impression to a person. I hope that having people who contradict our beliefs don`t get the better of us though. Let us make this an intellectual debate wherein everyone is open-minded to different perspectives and ideas.

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it
1 point

Hmmmm, I feel many of the religious people, many of the American people, many of the British people don't like me. And many people who like Mitt Romney. I would say a lot of people. but i'm never going to meet any of them so hey ho who gives a damn!

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it
1 point

Hmmm? Well, I'm certain Prodigee has a crush on me sooooo.... yeah, I'm sure there are some who don't like me.

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it
Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it

Bitch please..., I'm fabulous ;)

Side: Everyone loves me
2 points

You are the only person I have ever met that puts a comma after typing three periods.

For example: "Bitch please..., "

I have to ask...why?? D:

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it
1 point

I think that's an extra long pause thing... just a guess though.

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it

I don't know..., I just roll that way ;)

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it
Sickology(392) Clarified
1 point

I feel disgusted whenever I hear that word "love" .

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it
2 points

I'm complete perfection...

Aside from Notmymuse, norincomak90, Boleman500, Judas (yes... the Judas), poppymeg, and sunialpani.

I mean, that's pretty much everyone.

Side: Everyone loves me
2 points

Nope. I am loved by all. And if you don't believe me, just look here


Side: Everyone loves me
1 point

I don't consider libertarians people. Their vote doesn't count after all :p

Side: Everyone loves me

Does that mean illegal immigrants aren't people either? ;j

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it

Neither do I consider liberals. Actually, that was our term before you idiots hijacked it. Actually, our votes do count, but they are much more effective in the market rather than casting votes for dictators.

Side: Everyone loves me
Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Liberals are people too. .

Side: Hey! Now that you mention it