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Debate Score:25
Total Votes:27
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 Andy can you please ban my imposter? (15)

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LizziexLaura(4278) pic

Andy can you please ban my imposter?

Sorry people but I have an imposter.

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It's Prodigee. He messaged me pretending to be you because he wanted to try to get me to allow him into the Friendly Debate community. Fortunately, I didn't fall for it.

I can't take this anymore I am tired of having my name slandered and tarnished.

He asked me to add him to my friends list ...that was just weird :D

Querbert(204) Banned
1 point

This is hilarious, you people must love prodigee as much as i do, you play into his game all the time.

1 point

Sometimes you have to play dirty to take down an enemy. ;)

Querbert(204) Banned
1 point

You all call this playing dirty. You are enjoying it, just admit it!

1 point

I think everyone wants Prodigee to be banned from here for like forever.

EmoKillMeNow(143) Clarified
1 point

That dude is so lucky. I wish I could be hated like him. I bet he has a massive cock too. Gawd, why is my life so shit?!